Brush & Weed Cutters…
Marden has been the leader in developing a wide and diverse range of Brush Cutters (Choppers) for the last 70 years. We have many different models to choose from, and also custom design for specific needs.
Single-Drum Hydraulic units are designed especially for intensive brush management on shooting preserves and game ranches. They come in a wide range of drum diameters as well as various widths. These units are very rugged in design and give many years of low cost brush control.
HP requirements 60 to 150. Rubber Tires
L Series of Cutters are used primarily as a maintenance unit in controlling growth as well as developing fringe habitat. They are very versatile in the fact you can operate them in Tandem, Duplex and Triplex configurations.
HP requirements 90 to 130. Rubber Tires
M Series of Cutters are designed for clearing brush that will be converted into improved pasture, or strip chopping for wildlife improvement. Works great in palmetto as well as mesquite.
HP requirements 150 to 200. Rubber Tires

B Series of Cutters were developed for heavy clearing such as forestry cut-overs, heavy mesquite and cedar. Brush height to 15′ and stem diameter to 6″. These units are available in Single Drum, Tandem, and even Triplex.
HP requirements 200 to 350. Rubber Tires.
ABC (All Terrain Brush Crusher)
Custom Equipment – Brush Crusher …
Marden has often been requested to build custom machinery. These projects have been successfully completed for numerous clients including the Los Angeles County Fire Department-Heavy Equipment Division. If you have specific needs for custom, one-off, prototype, special development applications, or design-to-build requirements, please contact us.
It’s as simple as A – B – C when it comes to Vegetation Management and Prescribed Burn projects.
The All-Terrain-Brush-Crusher is the ticket to solving both short and long term fire prevention tasks previously thought unattainable. Follow a leader!! The Los Angeles County Fire Department recently took delivery of their equipment, built by Marden; 10-ton roller measuring 7 feet in diameter and 14 feet long.
With productivity in mind, this equipment has been working the hillsides around Malibu and easily handling 3-5 acres per hour. This project was unveiled to the public on March 30, 2000. Representatives from CDF, USFS, FEMA, National and State Park Service, as well as numerous county fire departments were in attendance and witnessed first hand this new tool in the arsenal of fire prevention / fire fighting. Please contact Marden Industries for additional information, quotations, technical support, and to assist in the development of your project needs.