Pasture Renovators…
The Marden Pasture Renovators are designed for a variety of uses including clearing brush for ranching, enhancing wildlife habitat, renovating sod bound compacted pastures, and even establishing seed beds for overseeding winter grasses. With the segmated spiraling blades these units give you a smooth even pull with operating speeds to 8mph. Models are available in Single Drum, Tandem Offset and even Triplex configurations.
Single Drum units are available in many different drum diameters and widths. With optional hydraulic wheel lift. These units can also be transported readily on ranch roads.
HP requirements 60 to 150.

Tandem Hydraulic units are a preferred choice in Pasture Renovators due to the two drums working in an offset arrangement. These units give you a lifting mulching action which allows water and air to go directly to root zone and increase density per acre.
HP requirements 100 to 200.

Heavy Duty (B-Series) Tandem units have many of our Brush Cutter features such as boxed angle frame, wide flange beams and extra large bearing and axle systems. Pound for pound these units have more structural strength than any of our competition.
HP requirements 200 to 300.